Friday, October 26, 2012


Two days ago Mrs. Waid left the campus to drive north to pick up a 1 year old baby boy. When she got back she told me I could name him, but it had to be a name from the Bible. I love names, so I thought hard about it. I wanted this baby's name to be unique. I settled on the name Enoch. In the Bible Enoch was very close with God; so close God took him to heaven and I hoped as this new baby grew he would also find a close relationship with God.

The first night Enoch was here and half of yesterday I stayed with him. Holding him and feeding him his bottle. It seemed no one could get him to stop crying, so they handed him off to me and it turns out if you walk around and sing to him, Enoch will stop crying and fall asleep. Poor kid is probably so confused.

Picnic day was yesterday and all of the kids were so excited to play games outside instead of being in school. I was very busy taking videos and sponsor photos of each of the children in between helping with games, but around lunchtime I took Enoch from his caregiver, so she could have a rest. After feeding him a bottle (which he promptly spit-up half of it on me) he chattered on and on as we walked around campus. This kid walks so fast! Danny, Joseph, and Melony came over and ever since they have been so good about feeding Enoch and holding him when he's crying. Joshua carries him around at night till he falls asleep and it warms my heart to see the older children take such initiative and care to make Enoch's transition a little bit easier.

Even though I didn't have the chance to witness Enoch's mother giving him away, I can only imagine the pain she must have felt. Bangla Hope is an oasis of safety and love for these kids in the midst of a hurting country and I think Enoch's mother realized this and made the sacrifice so her son could live a better life than she could give him. We are all happy though to welcome Enoch into Bangla Hope's family!

1 comment:

  1. How special to be able to choose a name for a child! What a gift you have given him!
